Number 1 Retail Life Insurer
aiicontact@aiicoplc.com 0201 279 2930 0700 AIIContact (0700 2442 6682 28)

Erection-All-Risk Insurance

About Erection-All-Risk policy policydddd

AIICO’s Erection-All-Risk policy provides broad insurance coverage during construction or erection of machinery, plant and steel structures. It provides compensation for unforeseen sudden physical losses or damages as a result of excessive pressure, fire & lightening, short circuits, etc.

Why Erection-All-Risk policy ?

Repair or replacement of damaged insured properties and compensation for third party liabilities, repair or replacement of damaged insured properties and compensation for third party liabilities.


Would you like to purchase this plan?

Speak to an AIICO Staff or Agent today. You may also reach us via email on aiicontact@aiicoplc.com.