Number 1 Retail Life Insurer
aiicontact@aiicoplc.com 0201 279 2930 0700 AIIContact (0700 2442 6682 28)

Consequential Loss Insurance

About Consequential Loss Insurance

This insurance is a sure way for you to receive payment for loss of accruable net profit, wages, auditors fees, etc. Protect your earnings.


What is covered?

  • Net profit which would have accrued if the fire incident/special peril had not happened.
  • Fixed charges as interest, rents rates etc. which are compulsorily payable although no business activities is taking place in the premises again. These are called standing charges in the policy.
  • Expenses which will help to facilitate the resumption of normal business and minimize loss of net profit e.g. hiring of temporary premises, engaging the services of extra staff or working overtime. This is called increased cost of working.
  • Wages of staff whose services will have to stop immediately due to the fire damage – retained wages of skilled employees whose services are needed/for quick return of the business activities of the company.
  • Fee of the Auditors employed to prepare any claim under the policy.

Why Consequential Loss?

Payment for loss of accruable net profit, wages, auditors fees, etc.

Would you like to purchase this plan?

Speak to an AIICO Staff or Agent today. You may also reach us via email on aiicontact@aiicoplc.com.